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长期以来,我国学生英语词汇学习普遍采用死记硬背的方法,这种方法把有趣学习变成枯燥乏味的过程,最终导致英语学习出现“费时较多,收效较低”的局面。原型范畴理论认为事物以范畴的方式存在,范畴中的各成员存在着家族相似性和等级性,范畴可以划分为基本层次范畴、上位范畴和下属范畴。英语词汇学习可以在原型范畴理论的指导下进行大胆探索,以提高学生的学习兴趣和学习效果,改变“费时低效”的局面。  相似文献   
心智图既是一种发散性思维的图形思维工具,又是一种可视化的知识表征工具。心智图用相关的层级结构将新旧知识建立起记忆链接,形成完整的信息系统。英语学习者可以运用词汇联想模式,即:词形联想、词义联想和类别联想,明确词汇的各种语义和形式联系,形成意义组块,构建词汇心智图,合理、系统地将新知识融入已有的认知结构,从而习得词汇并形成长时记忆。  相似文献   
“十年词汇”影响网民网络词语“施暴性”途径之探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐余俊 《宜春学院学报》2012,34(2):49-51,140
"十年词汇"中某些"专用词语"具有"施暴性",且对网民网络词语"施暴性"的形成产生一定的影响。这种影响的实现首先缘于"十年词汇"中"涉暴词语"词义被沿用,其次缘于"十年词汇"中"涉暴词语"词义被借用,第三缘于后者对前者违背语用交际合作原则与礼貌原则之承袭。  相似文献   
基于以往所做的实证研究,探讨影响非英语专业学生英语词汇附带习得的语言因素,如单词的长度、生词的密度、单词出现的频率等,以期帮助学生在各项语言技能训练中能更好地附带习得词汇。  相似文献   
目前,对词汇深度所进行的研究,尤其是实证性的研究非常少见。根据词汇及相关理论。提出了词汇深度的定义,并通过试验探讨了词汇的广度和深度与写作的关系。词汇深度的某些方面与写作的关系相当密切。  相似文献   
词汇是语言的基本要素,是英语学习的关键。本文论述了词汇教学的重要意义,分析了高职高专英语词汇教学中亟待解决的问题,探索了提高英语词汇教学水平的方法,作为高职高专英语词汇教学的参考,以期促进高职高专英语教学质量的全面提高。  相似文献   
英语写作一直是非英语专业大学生最头疼的难题,依据认知心理学理论,通过教学实验,对比传统写作词汇训练模式和运用词汇的"选择性注意"策略对这些学生进行英语写作训练,结果显示,后者在提高学生写作成绩上优于前者,可应用于教学实践,写作教材中也可加入此练习。  相似文献   
Using data from a diverse sample of low-income African American and Latino mothers, fathers, and their young children who participated in Early Head Start (n = 61), the current study explored the association between parents’ reading quality (i.e. metalingual talk) while reading with their 2-year-old children and their children's receptive vocabulary skills at pre-kindergarten. It further examined whether children's interest in reading mediated this association. There were three main findings. First, most mothers and fathers in our sample read relatively often to their children (a few times a week) and used some metalingual talk; fathers used more than mothers. Second, controlling for parental education, mothers’ and fathers’ early reading quality significantly predicted children's receptive vocabulary skills at pre-kindergarten. Third, children's interest in reading mediated the association between mothers’ and fathers’ reading quality and children's receptive vocabulary scores. These findings have important implications for programs aimed at fostering low-income children's vocabularies and suggest that both mothers and fathers need to be included in programs.  相似文献   
在高职院校思想政治教育中,注重高职学生的个性培养意义重大,这既是对新时期高职院校思想政治教育工作提出的新要求,又是实现思想政治教育的目标所在。本文分析了"90后"高职大学生的思想特点,探讨了"90后"高职学生思想政治教育存在的问题,同时提出了要树立以学生为本的教育理念,通过改革教学内容、教学方法等措施,探析实施个性化思想政治教育的可行办法。  相似文献   
Children's characteristics, including gender, influence their development by eliciting differential responses from their environments, and by influencing differential responses to their environments. Parenting-related stress, associated with poverty environments, negatively influences children's language, likely through its impact on parent–child interactions, but may impact boys’ and girls’ development differently. Early intervention represents one tool for supporting development in at-risk toddlers, but gender-differences in effects of intervention are rarely described. The current studies assessed the effects of Early Head Start (EHS) on children's productive vocabulary in the context of parenting stress and examined gender differences in program effects on vocbulary. Data were from the national EHS Research and Evaluation (EHSRE) study (Study 1, N = 3001), and from a dataset associated with one EHSRE site (Study 2, N = 146) where additional data on productive vocabulary were collected. Study 1 found that at 24 months of age, the EHS program protected girls’ productive vocabulary from the negative effects of parenting stress, but had little impact on boys’ vocabulary. In Study 2, the local EHS site promoted girls’ vocabulary development over time from 14 to 36 months despite the negative effects of parenting stress, and protected boys’ vocabulary from the negative parenting stress effects. These results suggest differential ways in which at-risk toddlers are affected by early intervention.  相似文献   
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